sony bdp-s5500

Get the best of the web on your TV with the S5500 Blu-ray 3D player with USB and Wi-Fi. Perfect for home cinema, it allows you to stream content faster.

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iFunBox 是一款可以讓您檢視 iPhone 中的音樂、影片、照片、鈴聲或內部檔案結構的軟體。它不用複雜的設定就可以輕鬆的使用,您還可以透過 iFunBox 將 iPhone 變成可以您最好用的隨身碟。 可以檢視iPhone中的音樂、影片、照片、鈴聲或內部檔案結構。 ...

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  • Get the best of the web on your TV with the S5500 Blu-ray 3D player with USB and Wi-Fi. Pe...
    Blu-ray 3D Player | USB Blu-ray S5500 | Sony US
  • 內建 Wi-Fi® PRO 的 S5500 3D 藍光播放器讓您透過電視享受網際網路的豐富資訊。它的內容串流速度更快,能與家庭劇院完美搭配。
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  • 夜殺 SONY BDP-S5500 3D藍光播放機, SONY藍光DVD播放機 ,支援全高清Full;HD;1080p藍光片播放與2D轉3D功能;獨家原色顯示技術;螢幕鏡射功能;快...
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  • Sony BDP-S5500 review: well featured budget Blu-ray player and great performance at a supe...
    Sony BDP-S5500 review | What Hi-Fi?
  • The Good The Sony BDP-S5500 Blu-ray player offers excellent picture quality in a compact p...
    Sony BDP-S5500 review - CNET
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